Search Result: 24

About Main Campus

Welcome to the Middle School at QSI Shenzhen! Middle school is such an exciting time in the life of any student. We understand that middle school students stand on the bridge between childhood and young adulthood, and we know it takes a caring, structured approach to guide the middle school student toward successes that they will [...]
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PLE Contact Information

Contact Information Email Penny Blackwell, Director of Instruction Map The PLE campus is located just one block down from the QSI Shenzhen Main campus.  
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About the PLE Campus

At the Preschool and Lower Elementary Campus, Our educational philosophy is founded upon the premise that All Students Can Succeed! Penny Lynn Blackwell Director of Instruction We believe that success breeds success and that it is the responsibility of the school to provide the conditions for success. Play and Mastery Learning blend together perfectly. [...]
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QSI Shenzhen School Profile

QSI Shenzhen School Profile Please see the following to learn about: – our high school curriculum – our grading system – the courses offered  – AP and IB scores  – University acceptances 

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Dragon TV

Dragon Television educates the QSI community about school news and school events while providing its volunteers real-world experience in broadcast and film.

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UNIVERISTY THEME University is an simple yet complete solution for you to build an education or online course, training website. The design is innovative and supper modern so you will have a professional web page. BUY THIS THEME   TOP 10 RANKED Our education services ranked top 10 all over the world by most recognized organizations. [...]
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About US

THE HISTORY AND ORIGINS OF QSI 1971 – PRESENT Sanaa International School opened in September 1971 with four students and grew to over 200 within a few years. The school’s early history is related to the founder’s first assignment in Yemen. In 1966-67, Mr. James E. Gilson was employed as principal of the Yemen-American Cooperative […]

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Pricing Table

PERSONAL 30GB Storage1 AgentStandard Support$19.99/MONTH BUY NOW   popular STARTUPS 100GB Storage3 Agents24 Hrs Support$59.99/MONTH BUY NOW   CORPORATE Unlimited StorageUnlimited Agents24/7 Support$99.99/MONTH BUY NOW
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Online Training Courses

The Place To Learn And To Prepare For Your Future Nam libero tempore cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur   GET STARTED NOW User Experience In Modern World Learn Web Design From Scratch Present Your Idea The Right [...]
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University – Course Carousel

Dec 25 Chemical Engineering Free Ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis Create Event EasilyCreate events easily with U-event custom post quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis Sell Event TicketYou can sell tickets to your event using Woocommerce, it is so easy and so convenient Create CoursesUse U-course custom post to create and manage [...]
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