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Fine Arts at QSI Shenzhen

The Performing Arts Here at QSI Shenzhen our performing arts programs include Orchestra, Concert Band, Lab Band, Guitar, Choir, IB Music, General Music, and Drama. The Visual Arts The visual arts are represented in school through a variety of classes, including IB Visual Arts, IB Film, AP Studio Arts, and more.  
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Commitment to Child Protection

QSI International School of Shenzhen Statement and Commitment QSI International School of Shenzhen Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement Safeguarding and Child Protection is a priority for QSI International School of Shenzhen. QSI International School of Shenzhen commits to supporting school environments that safeguard children through both prevention and intervention. QSI International School of Shenzhen works [...]
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Registrar Office

Registrar Office The Registrar Office is open Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. If you need help with student records, please contact us in advance so we know to expect your arrival!   Request your documents in advance! We only accept document requests online. Please follow the instructions below. Please allow three to five business days for document [...]
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Tuition and Fees

School Fees and Payment Please email the Admissions Coordinator Mrs. Julie Garner at for a list of current tuition, bus, and lunch fees. Inquiries about making payments, invoices, fapiaos, or other finance questions can be directed to the Finance Office: Ms. Charmaine Luo at Capital Fund Fee The purpose of the Capital Fund [...]
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Adaptive Testing

Adaptive Testing The face of standardized testing has changed and QSI has not been left behind. Following the trend in US education institutions, QSI has adopted the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) computerized adaptive test as its means to provide both initial placement and educational progress data. For more information about MAP testing please visit [...]
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Accreditation QSI International School of Shenzhen has been accredited by the Middle States Association (MSA) since 2006. QSI schools maintain their accreditation with MSA through a continual process of identifying areas for growth and implementing a community-supported action plan to push the boundaries of success and achievement in specific identified areas. Quality Schools International is currently [...]
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QSI Administration Headquarters and Regional Offices In order to serve and support QSI schools around the globe, QSI maintains numerous offices and administrative regions. Below you can find a list of where these offices are located and their general responsibilities. QSI World Headquarters moved into its current location in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2003. The following offices [...]
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Mission Statement

The QSI Mission Statement February 1996 Virtually every five year old comes to school eager to learn. The mission of Quality Schools International (QSI) is to keep this urge to learn alive in every child in QSI schools. Our schools are established to provide in the English language a quality education for students in the [...]
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The QSI Philosophy Attitudes Toward Learning We believe that more learning will occur if the student has a desire to learn, has positive feelings concerning his/her school environment, and succeeds in his/her work. A comfortable atmosphere of caring and acceptance established by the school is considered important, so that each student is encouraged to strive [...]
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Admissions FAQ’s

FAQs: Admissions to QSI International School of Shenzhen Please see the answers below to these commonly asked questions… Is your school full?  Is there a space available? How much is your tuition?   Does my child’s nationality make him or her eligible for your school? What nationality must the parents be? Can I assume that my child [...]
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